Charles Darwin argued that tasks such as finding mates, food, and a path through the woods required problem solving. He attempted to explain how human intelligence developed also. He later learned through studies on earthworms that they have to make judgements about the kind of leafy matter they use to block their tunnels. Darwin said "(this) has surprised me more than anything else in regard to worms." Many people believed in behaviorism in the early 20th century, regarding animals as little more than machines.
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology heard about a border collie named Rico after he appeared on a German TV game show. Rico knew the names of 200 toys and he learned the names of new ones with ease. Scientists believe that Rico uses the same techniques to learn words as humans!
I witnessed a racoon carrying a half-full Aquafina bottle up into a tree. That was done speculatively so it would have water for later. I have seen my cat and dog show strong emotion, have human feelings, think a step ahead and you probably have too. A crow at Stanford University solves problems, creates and uses tools. An orangutan named Azy shows cognitive complexity. An African Cichlid at Stanford University determines social rank through observation. An African Gray Parrot named Alex counted and had a basic grasp of the abstract concept of zero. A Marmoset at the University of Vienna learns from and imitates others. A Western Scrub Jay named Psychobird recalls the past and remembers the future. These examples show that animals definitely do have deep thoughts, feelings, and alot of brain power.
Darwin's ideas about animals and evolution were meant to make him look more intelligent. He was not concerned with the future of our planet. He didn't believe in eternity or an afterlife. His theories of the big fish eating the little fish has caused many individuals to live their lives based on that idea. Those people are not trying to help their neighbor, think of future generations, or be decent people in general. They just want to be the big fish swallowing the little fish. With that mentality, no wonder they are not concerned with being fair, just, helpful, or friendly. This is showing that humans would rather gamble on Darwin than on God. Who do you want to bet your life on?