Late in the summer of 2005, I had quite an experience on a Saturday. I had worked a long week. I got home late on Friday night and forgot my wallet in my car. I went to my car that morning and found my wallet was missing. There was no evidence of a break in. I phoned the police and they said they would work on it. That did not sound like it was going to draw up any leads so I started brainscanning. My paycheck was in my wallet so I presumed the thief would try to cash it. I phoned all the nearby check cashing stores, told them what happened, and asked them to call me if they heard anything. About an hour and a half later, I was visiting with a friend when the phone rang. I got very excited because it a check cashing store and they informed me that a man was there trying to cash my check. My friend drove me to the store and when we got there he was still inside trying to cash my check. I waited outside and when he tried to leave I told him he couldn't. He began to run across the parking lot. I chased him, tackled him, and then held him steady in an armbar until the police conveniently arrived about 5 minutes later(lol). I turned him over to the police and the court ordered him to reimburse me for everything which he did. He was so shaken up that he admitted to 22 other robberies in my neighborhood.
Hell Yeah!... That's what I'm talkin' about! I wonder how long he sat there and spilled the beans on those other 22 robberies. he definetely got what he deserved, and also it shows that average citizens can do a lot more than local police! SPOOF!!!